Simon Toohey's - Winter Warming Hemp Pesto
This winter warmer hemp pesto (or anytime for that matter) is sure to bring a plant-based smile to your face. It's super easy and tastes aaaaaamazing!
¼ cup hemp seeds
½ kale bunch (or any seasonal green you like!)
½ clove garlic
½ lemon, juice only
½ cup Hemp gold oil or extra virgin olive oil
Salt &pepper to taste
Tear the kale (or greens) into manageable pieces, removing the stem.
Place the hemp seeds into a mortar and pestle or a small blender and blend to a paste, helping release the oils. Add the broken-up Kale, garlic, salt and pepper, blend or grind again until smooth-ish. Add the lemon and blend again until combined. Remove from the blender into a bowl (or keep as is if using a mortar and pestle)
Add the Hemp Gold Oil or extra virgin olive oil to the bowl and gently stir through (avoid over mixing or it may emulsify).
Serve on toast, in pasta or on avocado - for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Cupboards looking 'hempty'? Shop now.