Hemp as Food Gains More Backing in Australia and New Zealand

By Paul Benhaim
Apr 11, 2017

Recently, The Advocate posted the newest report regarding the journey to legalize hemp for food in Australia and New Zealand. In the next month Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) will go in front of the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum. At this meeting they will present a draft of a proposal for how low-THC hemp can be used safely in foods. 


This article, written by Johanna Baker-Dowdell, quoted a spokesman from the Tasmanian government who highlighted the economic opportunity that local farmer would face with this new food on the menu. 

“Tasmanian farmers are ready to go. We have already provided the necessary state approvals through the Industrial Hemp Act introduced by the Liberal Government and streamlined the licensing and regulatory processes making it easier for our farmers to grow industrial hemp.
“It is time for other states to also support low-THC hemp in food products as it has potential to open up new agricultural markets, strengthen the economy and create jobs in regional Tasmania,” he said.
The Advocate also quoted Paul Benhaim, CEO of Hemp Foods Australia. Hemp Foods Australia is the country’s largest grower of low-THC hemp. Benhaim says that the international market for hemp foods is estimated at $1 billion annually. Even further, if hemp as food is legalized, then the demand would quadruple over the next few years. 
“This is another positive step in the years long work and investment in achieving legalisation for omega-3 rich hemp as a food in Australia,” Mr Benhaim said.
With all of these facts, Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association (TFGA) have also embraced this new possibility. Their CEO Peter Skillern is excited for this possible huge step forward for the sustainable hemp industry in Australia and New Zealand. 
Aside from being a sustainable resource used in food, manufacturing, and more. Hemp is exceptionally healthy. All the more reason for the government to approve the plant for use in food across Australia and New Zealand.